Miles, who gets nicknamed Pudge because he's skinny, finds himself falling for Alaska, who has a boyfriend. The problem, besides the fact that she has a boyfriend, is that Alaska is pretty messed up. She happy one minute, upset and yelling the next. Miles cannot figure her out. Alaska just wants to be buddies, but Miles keeps looking too much into her behavior to see if she might like him back. When tragedy strikes, Miles and his friends must learn to come to terms with the shocking loss and figure out what they mean to each other or risk losing each other as friends. Major themes in the story are love, friendship, loss, and forgiveness.
This book is a quick read, but because it does take a very serious turn, I do not recommend it for a light summer vacation book- unless you are tired of summery books and are ready for something more substantial. The story does not quite make it to a romance, but the elements are there. Friendship is the more important theme here. It is well written, and the author knows how to keep his reader hooked. You will find yourself reading "just one more chapter" a couple of times before turning your lights out at night. I recommend this book for both guys and girls.
Book; 14+; ISBN 9780142412213; New York: Speak (from Penguin Group), 2005
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